11th Century round Crwth (Welsh bowed
This is the
first of the Crwth projects. It is being designed based on the
modern folk Crwth of Wales, since that is the earliest extant
instrument we have available, and it can be tuned and played according
to manuscript instructions from the 1100s.
I am basing the shape of the instrument on the picture of King David
with his Crwth, though I am building this as a 6 string variant that is
the 'traditional' Crwth, similar to the 6 string lyres of the period.
Note that if I were to build this as a 3 string instrument, it would
have a similar, but not nearly as rich harmonically, tone, as the 6
string crwth is tuned in 3 octave pairs, and the 3 string would be
tuned in 3 singles with the same intervals.
This is a bowed lyre, but the bass pair of strings can also be plucked
with the thumb as a drone.
Click here for a sound clip (until the instrument is finished, I have
borrowed a small snippet ot sound from the educational page that
actually got me started ion this adventure with the Crwth. Once
this instrument is finished, this clip will be replaced with one of my
(Note. I haven't mentioned this in any of the previous instrument
documents, but my method of documenting is to take pictures of each
step 'in the rough' as it were, then to take finished pictures of the
instrument. I believe that seeing something with some of the
toolmarks still in it, layout lines still on the surface, not smoothed
and painted and oiled, shows you far more than a 'finished' photo of
each step. So you can see what I am doing, not just read the
words and imagine. I think it works better that way. And
you still get to see pictures of the pretty when it is complete)

This is the artwork I am basing this Crwth on. It is from one of
the 11th century manuscripts from Limoges in Brittany. I am using
the general shape and size from the illustration, and working with what
I have learned from Lyre and Rebec building to fill in the rest
Comparative measurements on me while sitting give me a 25 inch crwth, 7
inches at the swelling at the peg end, and 9 inches at the swelling at
the soundbox.
The Crwth body will be built in the same way as the rebec and the lyre
- hollowed from a block and not built up. The soundboard will be
spruce, the
Here is the body
being glued up. This instrument would have been hollowed out of 1
single piece, but the cherry I had was just crying to be made into an
instrument, so I joined 2 pieces to give me the width I need for the
instrument. The joint will be visible only on the back side - the
fingerboard and peg reinforcements will cover it on the front.

The cherry joined and planed - almost 10 inches wide, 26 inches long in
this picture. This is a beautiful piece of wood, with no stress
checks or fractures anywhere along the length.
The instrument's basic shape - a little stockier than the illustration,
but I want to use a traditional 6 string setup instead of a 3 string as
shown in the David illustration - it provides a much different, and
IMHO cooler, sound. So it is about 1 inch wider in the neck area
and peghead than it would be if I were actually following the
illustration, and to balance it I made the soundbox 1/2 inch wider.

Here are the layout lines for the neck. because there is
no need to taper the strings toward the back of the instrument, the
fingerboard will be straight and flat. I drew both a tapered neck
and a straight neck to see which would be more exthetically pleasing,
but in the end, having hand room at the soundboard end of the neck won
out. The neck is modeled after the string spacing of my rebec,
with one extra string (4 strings on the fingerboard, 2 suspended over
the cutouts - these are either plucked or bowed as drones.
The neck has been cut out, the sides of the instrument have been
sanded and the final shape determined, and the soundbox outline is
drawn ready for me to hollow out the box. This instrument has a
large soundbox, it should have a very rich tone. Unlike the other
instruments of the early period, this instrument actually has the
soundbox back coupled to the strings (similar to the way a soundpost
couples the soundboard and back of a violin. The Bridge has feet
that are unequal in length - one foot (the bass foot) goes through one
of the soundholes and rests on the back, the other rests on the
soundboard like a normal bridge. This makes the thickness of the
back of this instrument more important than on the other instruments I
have built.
on hollowing the soundbox. My standard forstner bit (for gross
stock removal) / sandpaaper and thumb plane (for smoothing) / chisel
(for cleaning up the sides) method works best on flat-backed
instruments like this. One day maybe I'll get a pattern router
and this job will become much easier, but for now I kinda enjoy the
handwork (but I wouldn't want to hollow out the whole thing with a
gouge and sash chisel - I like starting with an 80% hollowed board like
I get with the forstner bit - with limited free time I have to make a
few concessions). The soundboard will sit on top of the sides on
this instrument, not relieved into them like the rote. One reason
is to elevate the strings higher above the peghead area - I will also
have to lower the peghead so that I can get the needed down tension on
the strings behind the nut to keep the strings in their slots in the
Gluing the soundboard on. The soundholes have already been
cut into the soundboard and the soundbox is finished out. Again,
the soundboard is mounted on top of the sides, to help rais the string
height without having to build a higher bridge.

The soundboard flush trimmed and sanded to shape. The soundholes
are large, and spaced far apart, for a reason. As I mentioned
earlier, the bridge has uneven feet - the bass foot goes through one of
the soundholes and sits on teh back of the instrument, the other foot
sits on the soundboard. The bass side of the instrument is the
top side in this picture, it is the side that has the 2 free drones as
Now to add the fingerboard. This is a fretless instrument,
and because the bridge is flat, so is the fingerboard. Because of
the really strange space limitations, I decided to use a twisted cord
clamp system (a loop of cord tied around the neck and the fingerboard,
with a dowell inserted and twisted round until the desired tension is
reached. The Jorgensen clamp is a perfect clamp for the front of
the fingerboard.

The neck of the Crwth has been rough shaped, the fingerboard is glued
in place, and now it is time for a littel clean-up before moving to
shaping the arms and the rest of the peg area.
The top of the arms have been tapered from the table of the Crwth
down 1/2 inch. to meet the peghead area of the instrument. This
will provide almost 1 inch clear below the notches in the nut, enough
tension to hold the strings securely. At this point I still
haven't decided if I want the pegs on the top or the bottom of the
instrument, both were common practice and both have their pros and cons.

The underside of the Crwth arms and neck - I don't know why I decided
to take down the underside of the arms - is really wasn't necessary or
functional, I just liked the way it looks better. This is a
strange instrument anyway, it should look like it from any angle.
Again with the mandatory shot of the roughed-in tuning pegs and
the tail pin. This has to be the part of instrument building I
like the least - one day I am going to sit down and just make a box of
pins to last a couple of dozen instruments, then I won't have to do
this every time I want to build something. Not that it is hard,
it is just boring after the first 50 or so...

The tail pin installed on the nose of the Crwth. I have also
added an antler saddle to keep the tailgut from damaging the softwood
soundboard. I am waiting to finish the instrument until I have
strung it and given it a while to work in - since neither I nor, as far
as I know, anyone else, has any real knowledge of the early round
crwth, I am not eager to put a final finish on it until I know I won't
have to tear some or all of it apart to make changes.
Here is the other really unusual part of this instrument - the
base to the parted nut. 4 of the strings run across the
fingerboard, 2 are off to the bass side of the instrument over the
cutout. Thus you need a nut for the fretted strings and a
separate nut for the drones - but they have to be on the same level so
that you can bow all 6 strings at once. So I created a wooden
base for the bridges, with the grain running vertically for
strength. I will put bone or antler nuts on this base, either 2
separate nuts, or one that mimics the sicle shape of the base.
The hole for the 6th peg is just off the bottom of this picture.

The pins are finished, the bridge is made, the tailpiece is shaped but
not drilled yet (trying to decide if I want to install fine tuners or
not). The nuts are still not installed, but that is the last
thing that I will need before I can string the thing and try it
out. I am starting to get excited about this - the Crwth is the
goal for all the learning I have done on the rebecs and the lyre, and I
am more than a little nervous about this being a really spectacular
failure. Maybe I should have waited until I was finished to
document the instrument, but hey, if you can't follow along real-time,
it's somehow not as cool, right?
